My Duty

This book is his will (or maybe the last will not even writing by his ancestors) by Jarl Ale of Basseville, direct descendant from king Harald I of Scandinavia and famous the Jarl Robert of Basseville of Normandy.He speaks about his childhood of his education and about his route which allowed him to have this vision of the politics, the geopolitics, the economy and the world today through his family historical heritage which has been transmitted from generation to generation.He bring to us his own vision, and he considers the moment to wake up and protect our tradition as the heart of societal values
Biographie de l’auteur
Jarl Alexandre Alé de Basseville of Normandy, descendant of the 1st King Harald of Norway, was born in Bordeaux on July 8th, 1970, the land of Aliénor of Aquitaine. He is one of the last direct descendants of the Viking and Norman Kings’ lineage. Through his great grandfather who created the first trading company in Luxemburg in 1927, to his grandfather who managed the Caltex oil industry, Alexandre Alé de Basseville sees the important role of energy as the cornerstone for an economically strong and sustainable Europe. Born into the oil business, he is passionate about it and has built strong relationships with royal families and corporate oil leaders in the Middle East. Alexandre Alé de Basseville grew up among artists, philosophers, politicians, men and women of great influence and developed a taste for entrepreneurship. Eager for new experiences and knowledge, he carried out businesses in his own way. His passion for Arts flourished at the age of 15, when he joined the world of contemporary art and honed his skills in photography, painting, filmography and sculpture under the advice of Andy Warhol. After studying at the La Scuola di Arte in Milan, he came to know Lucchi Renato Chiesa, known as “the last surrealist.” This relationship led to great opportunities, such as being represented by an international agent, recognition from the Metropolitan Museum of New York, and work with legendary fashion and design magazines. Later, he will serve as creative director for several major French and international brands. While enjoying a successful career in the arts, he has turned to support the banking business narrowly connected to the oil business, holding a legal banking license and working in the financial sectors with interests in foreign currencies, online banking platforms, and private banking. From this inspired past and his passion for a better future, Alexandre Alé de Basseville decided to become politically involved in Europe to serve culture and tradition for which he considers himself as a charismatic and legitimate representative.
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